Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tea Time

I have a new favorite time of the day. Tea time. Lest you think I have moved to England or (insert phony British accent here)fancy myself with just a mite too much time on my hands, let me assure you I am still currently residing in Canon City and I am most definitely short on time, all the time. But, I have been enjoying this new addition to our routine.

On Valentine’s Day, Loren and I decided to each come up with one thing that we would like to incorporate into our routine that might enhance our relationship. (By the way, this is a much less intimidating question than, “If you could change one thing about our marriage what would it be?...and a much better question to ask on a special day when you would like for things to remain romantic). His idea was that we go to the mountains, in some way, at least once a month. No surprise there as my husband could no doubt thrive in any outdoor setting with little more than a covering, to protect him from the elements, and some ramen noodles. It wasn’t a surprise, but it did remind me that I need to be more intentional about making sure we are getting away every once in a while and experiencing nature, which is where he most senses the presence of God.

My idea, you may have guessed, was that Loren and I take time every day, or as often as we can, to just sit and talk for as long as it takes to have cup of tea (or whatever the preferred beverage happens to be). I guess I can’t exactly say it is my idea, since it came about through observing my friends Debbie and Paul doing this exact thing. There are no real rules. It happens whenever there are a few minutes to steal away and what we talk about doesn’t have to be serious or even particularly stimulating. It is just time to connect, to rest together, to look each other in the eyes, and to really pay attention to each other. It is refreshing to know that I have been heard, enjoyed, understood and to know that I have connected with what is foremost on Loren’s mind and heart. While we have yet to make it into an everyday kind of thing, it is a practice that has the makings of a long standing tradition. And it is the kind of tradition that feels far more important than what color lights are on the Christmas tree or what we have for Easter dinner.

P.S. For those of you doubting that my mountain man would sit and have a cup of tea, let me assure you that he does. I searched all over for a tea that, "doesn't taste like tea" (Bengal Spice Tea from Celestial Seasoings, with lots of heavy cream and sugar) for him to enjoy. Not ever having been a coffee or tea drinker, he is still learning the art of sipping it, though. If tea time was based on his ability to down a glass, we would be finished in less than five minutes. Luckily I am a refined, tea sipper. :)


The Coopers said...

What a great new tradition. Sounds heavenly! Daniel and I just found a couple to sitter swap with so we can have regular date nights. That will be new to us since #2 came along. I know exactly what you mean about short on time and needing to make time for each other to connect. Marriages are made stronger and we become better at this parenting thing! Love you, sis!

Allison said...

What a great idea. I will have to tuck it away in the back of my head!

schwalka said...

I love this!

Crystal Kirles said...

hmmm...Loren and tea. Sounds neat...try Loren on black coffee and maybe you'll talk for even longer. We've got to remember this and take note. Thanks for all that you write Amanda. It's always encouraging and challenging. Hope all is well with you guys!
