Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Little Healthy Advice

The truth be known, I am bit self-conscious about my tummy. I have had no babies to blame my little tummy on and yet, here it sits, atop the waist of my jeans as I type. Content to stay...seemingly forever. Seriously, when I was at my smallest (pre-wedding, of course) and had done about a million crunches a day in preparation for being seen naked by my handsome, no tummy husband, I still had my little tummy. It just is what it is. And I'm pretty sure it isn't going away. I'm not sure I want to really do all that it would take, anyway. Loren digs it and, as far as I'm concerned, that's really all that matters.

Why am I telling you all of this? It is for this one reason. I implore you, no I am BEGGING you, please don't ever, ever, ever, ask a woman when she is due. No matter how blousy the shirt (we women with tummies buy those things to conceal), how "maternity" it looks (hello...it's the style!), and, I dare say, even if it appears that said women is about to go into labor at any moment. It is ALWAYS a gamble and it is terribly awkward for all involved when the answer is, "oh...I'm not pregnant." Just say no, people!

I just had this experience last night...again. That's right. This has now happened to me twice. When I told Loren about it, he was appropriately outraged and appalled. I love him for that and for what came next. We decided it might be a good idea to have some good answers to that question. His made me laugh hysterically. He said I should say, "I'm due on Thursday. Oh yeah...it's a hamster. That's why I'm not as big as you would expect." Oh my gosh...if you could have seen him deliver those lines! I had tears rolling down my face...which was a pretty good ending for a story that started out, "Guess what this lady said to me at the store!"


Erin said...

Yes, agreed! The "are you pregnant?" question should never be asked. There are only 50% odds that it won't be awkward, and that's just not nearly high enough to ask this question willy nilly. By the way, I loved Loren's responses! What a good husband he is. :)

Jess said...

That is a terrible question. One of my friends was asked the same thing the other day at her daughter's school and when she told that the woman that she was NOT, in fact, pregnant the woman proceeded to tell her all of the reasons she LOOKED pregnant! I don't understand why people think they need to even comment!

Ashley said...

Holy cow. My mouth is still open in awe. Gotta love Loren though1 ha!

Amy said...

I'm right there with you, Amanda. And I'd like to sucker-punch the lady in the store that asked you. (By the way, you are beautiful and so is your little tummy.)

Melodie said...

once again, you don't look prego. some people are ignorant . . . and that's just putting it nicely. love ya!

Becky said...

AMANDA!!!!!!!!! What a silly, silly lady!!!!

I AM pregnant and don't even like the question!!!!

thanks for sharing .. love you.

Jennille said...

Seriously? You don't look pregnant! Oh my gosh! Just craziness. We must brainstorm on this one. How about, "No, I'm not pregnant. I was just pooching my tummy out, so you don't have to be the only one that looks like you are sticking yours out..." Okay, not so Christ-like, but still!