Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Gone Country

We are so countrified! Last night, as Loren brought in a load of wood that he had freshly split and started a blazing fire in our wood stove, I sat opposite him in the chair, mending his red, full body, long johns. (He tells me this is called a union suit.) Which, along with our two hound dogs and the vegetable garden in our backyard, led me to declare, "We are sooooo countrified!" It's true. And I'm kinda proud of it. Is that weird?


Jennille said...

I love it! You are such cute hillbillies!

Melodie said...

ha! funny! your description reminded me of little house on the prairie! got a covered wagon?

The Coopers said...

that is so funny cause that is the first thing I thought of too was little house. ahhh so many great memories!

Glenda said...

I can't stop laughing!!! Thank you for sharing.